The World
there's 13 months in a year, spread over 52 weeks each containing 7 days: early-, mid- and late-winter, early-, mid- and late-spring, early-, mid- and late-summer and early-, bright-, mid-, and late-autumn.
magic:The gods are very important, especially for magic users, as they get their magic from sources that are in contact with the plane of a god. Places where artificers and clerics do their work are therefore always close to one of these natural magical sources.
Artificers and Clerics are generally the only magic users in the world, others exist but are much much rarer and are usually looked down upon because they aren't using the magic gifted by the gods to do something for the people and for the good, even though the people don't really know what other magic users do with their power. Low level bards are found more often than wizards and sorcerers and such in big cities as they often work in the entertainment industry.
Wizards, sorcerers and druids do exist but there's not many of them and they often live in communities in small villages. If they, usually only one, decide to live in a bigger city they are usually seen as outcasts and own shady small magic shops where business isn't going great. Warlocks are usually alone and unnoticed.
There are four known magical sources in Aeromourne:
- A big piece of Lapis coming out of the ground in the central hall of The School of Magick. This stone is believed to leak power from the plane of Gyrbas, the god of knowledge. Faithful students, studying to become clerics and artificers can source their magic powers there.
- A spring with crystal clear water has become the centre of the main hospital in Aeromourne where the clerics working in the hospital can get their magic powers from. The spring is believed to leak powers from the plane of Gercus , god of life.
- An old statue, unknown from which time of age it came from, of a young woman, towering 4 meters high, hugged by drapery which flows like there is a light breeze. It stands in the middle of a plaza which is surrounded by the factory buildings of the industrial area of Aeromourne. The statute is believed to leak power from the plane of Synzaes, god of art.
- An old birch tree, around which the first building of The Gregor Snoxwell Consortium has been built. The trees power have been discovered only recently compared to the other sources as it was found in the year 1967 of the third age, when it was only a young tree. The tree is believed to leak power from the plane of Eandryl, god of nature.
Aquor is populated by Humans, Elves, Half-elves, dwarfs, halflings, gnomes and a very small amount of half-orcs and Tieflings.
Ardor is mainly home to Humans and half-elves, the other races (except for half-orcs and Tieflings) aren't necessarily looked down upon, but definitely liked less. This aversion is mainly caused by the envy for the old age they can become, as humans rarely live a century and half-elves usually only get slightly older than 160. They are therefore okay to trade with them or to have a quick chat with them, but if they were to live with them their envy would overtake and they would start seeing them as a threat to their potential. Half-orcs and Tieflings are outcasts for their origins.
creatures with Darkvision are able to see 10 feet in complete darkness, and creatures without it cannot see at all in complete darkness.